Dire Champion Lugian

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Introduced:  Recollections Related Quests:  Dire Champions Updated:  Stirrings in the Dark
Dire Champion Lugian
Class Gotrok Lugian
Level 135
XP 181,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Attacks Bludgeon, Slash
Weaknesses Lightning
Strength 370
Endurance 330
Coordination 280
Quickness 220
Focus 180
Self 220
Health 2500
Stamina 580
Mana 220
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense



Can be spawned by:

You cast Astyrrian's Gift on Dire Champion Lugian
Dire Champion Lugian tells you, "You have made a fatal mistake human."
Dire Champion Lugian resists your spell
Dire Champion Lugian tells you, "Your charms don't work on me human!"
Dire Champion Lugian Spawns

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