Rituals of Purification

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Introduced:  Ancient Powers Related Quests:  Knight Test

Rituals of Purification
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 40
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • This is a piece of Falatacot writing that has been translated by Fanzen San.

Remember, ye who follow in our footsteps, to honor the Deru and the Gromnatross. Remember, ye who come after, your obligations to spirit and flesh.

Blood, given freely, is the most powerful source of all - but for ritual cleansing, one does not need such means. Sanctified water will work just as effectively, and with difficulty.

Take a chalice of water in your hand and incant the 3 Prayers of Blessing. Sip the water, then, with one finger, anointing your forehead with a drop. Repeat the 3 prayers once more as you do this. Close your eyes and let the Darkness within you escape through the conduit you have provided. In such ways do we cleanse our spirits and rededicate ourselves to the Light.


You give Fanzen San the Translator Aged Falatacot Scroll.

Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "Hmmm, an intersting [sic] bit of Falatacot lore."

Fanzen San the Translator gives you Rituals of Purification.

  • Typo: In the translation dialog, intersting should be interesting.