Lugian Scout Report

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Introduced:  A New Threat Related Quests:  Arm, Mind, Heart Quest
Lugian Scout Report
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We have desparate news, Emissary Arurutis. Our dear citadel comes under even closer attack. One of the Lugian Commanders has progressed through the Linvak Tukal Entryway and has nearly reached the portal to our dear citadel. We also have reports of three Gotrok Raider encampments in the territories near our city. The first, led by the Master of the Hunt, lies to the southeast in the foothills before the many lakes. The second, led by the Gotrok Montok Commander, lies far to the south, beyond the Old Mind [sic] and the tower of the ancient lich archmage. The Master of the

Gotrok has set up his last encampment far to the northeast of our town, in the lowlands of the Linvak Mountains. We send you this news in the dire hope that allies might come to help us defend our beloved Linvak Tukal.

-- Unknown


Aurutis gives you Lugian Scout Report

Aurutis tells you, "The raiders are striking hard now. They are fearful of our efforts to reach out to the Isparians. We have lost three of our most sacred totems due to their depredations. The Cloth of the Arm, the Sceptre of the Mind, and the Blade of the Heart must be found to ensure the continued stability of Linvak Tukal.

Aurutis tells you, "Our scouts have compiled information as to the whereabouts of the raiders' encampments into this report. You may find it useful in retrieving our totems. Kifandel the Imbuer now carries the Book of the Arm, Mind, and Heart, which records the words of Lauriagne, our first Matriarch. Read her words you will understand why the recovery of our totems is of the utmost importance to us.

Aurutis tells you, "I've recently made some improvements to the Sleeves of Inexhausitibility, the Staff of Clarity, and the Spear of Purity. If you would like to have one of these items, I will gladly improve it.

  • Typo: Old Mind should be Old Mine, referencing the dungeon Old Mine.