Letter from Alatar

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Sword of Lost Light Quest
Letter from Alatar
  • Value: 100
  • Burden: 25
  • 2 of 2 pages full.

Letter from Alatar

I leave these notes for future adventurers to find. I, Alatar Locke, have been here, after many long journeys. In my studies of this place, I have come to the conclusion that long ago, these halls witnessed a long and sad struggle against darkness; hence, I name this sad and forsaken place The Halls of Lost Light.


These very halls are where some desperate group tried to hide their most valuable weapon, a particular sword of great properties. But the group perished, and their corpses became enchanted by evil magic (or so I surmise). May their souls rest in peace! In the meantime, should you reach the end of these now-cursed halls, make sure that you are well prepared to meet a terrible challenge!


  • Found in the entrance of the Halls of Lost Light.
  • This item cannot be picked up, and must be read where it is.
  • Although no author is given, the text credits Alatar Locke.