Reign of Terror

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October 2003 - Announcements Page

Game Changes

  • Fellowship improvements: Open Fellowships and Leadership Transfer. For more details please see the Rollout Article.
  • The corpse of a player who died a Player Killer Lite death should now decay after five minutes if it is not opened. If it is opened and closed it should decay immediately. For more details please see the Letter to the Players.
  • Several dungeons have been updated to match the level of the surrounding creatures. Be careful out there!
  • Pumpkins, scarecrows, and bats!
  • Portal gem icons improved.

User Interface Updates

  • When you ID an item, you will now see its special properties immediately beneath its workmanship. In addition, the second Armor Level line in armor will now be green when enchanted.

New Quests

New Events

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

  • Diyas al-Yat - Now exchanges broken Virindi masks for repaired ones.

New Locations

Updated Locations

New Items

Virindi Consul Mask Alfric's Bull The Poet's Mask Koji's Visage Walking Boots

Living Tome Alloy Machine

Bracelet of Dark Essence Nuhmudira's Bracelet Crystal Ring of Protection Crystal Ring of Quickness Scintillating Crystal Ring Whispering Venom Crystal Ring

A small pile of rocks Crate (Nuhmudira's Dungeon) Magically Sealed Dais

Cydna Wren's Portal Gem

Hiyp the Toad's pickaxe Whispering Venom crystal Poison Renegade's Pack Auroch Horn (Renegade Camp) Auroch Skull (Renegade Camp) Smelly Olthoi Gland Olthoi Chitin Renegade Pendant Pool of Goo Royal Olthoi Jelly Explorer Title Token Blue Vellum Binder Untranslated Page Alloy Device Alloy Apparatus Alloy Instrument Alloy Tool Alloy Contraption Alloy Implement Alloy Utensil Alloy Mechanism Alloy Cogwheel Alloy Contrivance Alloy Sprocket Alloy Cylinder Alloy Dynamo Alloy Piston Alloy Fan Alloy Pinion Alloy Engine Alloy Motor Alloy Generator Alloy Turbine

A Bar Tab Cydna Wren's Journal Unknown Script Arrangement Animal Talker Travel Log Letter to General Garsh Missing Mechanisms

Broken Virindi Observer Mask Broken Virindi Consul Mask

Energy Crystal Renegade Mace

Updated Items

New Creatures



Updated Creatures


New Dialog

Town Crier

Town Crier tells you, "Some olthoi hunters claim to have seen lugians moving through the mountains that border the Olthoi infested North."

Town Crier tells you, "Did you hear what happened at the last council meeting? Someone tried to assassinate High Queen Elysa!"

Town Crier tells you, "Have you seen the new masks that the mask makers have crafted? I think that they have outdone themselves this time."

Town Crier tells you, "No one knows who it was that stabbed Elysa. Asheron hasn't been seen outside of his tower. Antius hasn't left Elysa's side since the attempt on her life... The only person that seems to be willing to lead us is Nuhmudira."

Town Crier tells you, "The townsfolk of Zaikhal have been talking about increased visits from Nuhmudira recently."

Town Crier tells you, "A traveler along the western shore of the Direlands reported seeing cowled figures chanting at the crest of a building that peaked out of the water. From what I hear they were undead... but nothing like we have ever seen."

Town Crier tells you, "The leader of the town criers left, fortunately one of the old leaders came back to take their place."

Town Crier tells you, "With all the Olthoi around, I hadn't notice the increased undead activity in the Direlands. I?ve never seen those undead before, have you?"

Town Crier tells you, "Who is this undead mechanic I've been hearing about? I hear he lives on Marae Lassel, perhaps someone should find out some more about him."

Town Crier tells you, "I've seen her! 30 feet tall, three heads...magical powers, she breathes fire, lightning, frost and acid! She devours her own young and lives in a pool of sweltering least that's what I've heard about the Olthoi Queen."

Town Crier tells you, "Nuhmudira has pledged to bring an end to the Olthoi Queen, I believe she can. She's much more powerful than Elysa!"

Town Crier tells you, "I'm not surprised that Asheron is cowering away in his tower. I agree with Nuhmudira, we're always doing his dirty work!"

Town Crier tells you, "An explorer reported seeing Renegades carving a path in the mountain shortcut. Why don't they just go take that island from the tuskers?"

Town Crier tells you, "An ancient structure crested through the surface of the water along the western shore of the Direlands. I've heard that some travelers believe it is the top to a much larger structure that lies beneath the sea."

Town Crier tells you, "I've heard that the Renegades have been having trouble with the Olthoi too. Maybe the Olthoi aren't so bad after all... oh, never mind."

Town Crier tells you, "Did you know that they moved us to a new pay schedule? We only get paid once a month, and only on the first day of the month. But I'm expected to be at my post the same amount of hours... Oh sure the town crier is here for you, but where's the love for us, huh?"

Town Crier tells you, "So I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't left this spot in nearly four years. Yeah it's a tough life, standing here all day. Sure... sometimes people are nice enough to give me Shackles of Obedience. But I was wondering... Need a patron?"

Town Crier tells you, "The Gotrok lugians seem to be moving toward the north, and the borders of the Olthoi North."

Town Crier tells you, "The wound that struck High Queen Elysa down nearly killed her. But the blow was laden with some mysterious poison, one that attacked not only her physical being, but her spirit also. If she had died she may have been gone forever. Good riddance, I say!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant

No new messages this month.

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