Grave Rat Kill Task

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Grave Rat Kill Task
Level: 100
Type: Solo
Starts With: Lo Shoen
Starts At: 65.3S, 43.4W in Graveyard
Repeat: 20 Hours

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Kill 100 Grave Rats, which are only out in Graveyard during the daytime.
  2. Once you have finished, speak to Lo Shoen again for some xp and then use Lo Shoen's Pack to obtain Lo Shoen's Rat Bait. The sack is used in the DeathTail Quest.

Dungeons & Maps

No related dungeons.


Experience: 50,000,000 (10% up to level 168)


Click image for full size version.


Opening Dialog

Lo Shoen tells you, "The Lo family has been hunting rats for generations. My younger brother hunts them back in the capital but I came out here for bigger game."

Lo Shoen tells you, "The rats are everywhere, and even I have trouble keeping up. Something drives them mad and makes them stronger. If you want to help me, kill 100 of these Grave Rats. Maybe then I will have more work for you."
Completing Kill Task

Update History

Dark Materials

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer for kill task changed from 3 hours to 20 hours.
  • Repeat timer for bait pickup changed from 2 days 20 hours to 20 hours.