AC2:Story Vignettes/Treason's Price

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Treason's Price

File:Asheron's Call 2 - Omishan 03 - Treason's Price - Lumari Spills Vault

Some would call me traitor for what I did.

Bael'Zharon led us to the edge of victory, promising mastery over all.

We believed him, fools that we were … and no greater fool than I.

I am Isin Dule, once the Hopeslayer's right hand. I would have followed him to my death.

But as the land crumbled, I knew he heralded the death of all.

And so, when he needed me most, I struck my master down.

The more we seek to control chaos, the more it controls us.

I learned this lesson at my cost. My treason torments me always.

It is my price, the lesson I have learned.

We must suffer, if we are to remain ourselves.