Custom Valley of Death

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The spawn distribution in the upgraded Valley of Death makes this area is an uber (white) T8 hunting zone aimed at characters level 275.

Mobs have been upgraded to T8 difficulty and loot and spawn rates are fast and intense.

The Valley of Death (VoD) is located in the heart of the Direlands north of the Obsidian Plains. The area is very difficult to navigate due to the closely spaced ridges. Bounded roughly between 55W and 75W, and 30S and 45S.

Obsidian Rim Portals drop you at a Lifestone on the southern edge of VoD.

There are custom NPCs at the Obsidian Rim Lifestone and many custom quests associated with those NPCs related to custom content within the new VOD.

NPC Listing:

NPC Purpose
Pete the Pusher Alt currency exchanger
Domino Derval Vendor
Melina Havelock Lost Lover Quest
Arlan the Collector Gromnie Scout Teeth Collecting
Haimn Gromnatross Scout Wings Quest
Xenia Onatopp VOD Banderling Champion Kill Task
Mary Goodnight VOD Sentient Crystal Shard Kill Task
Vesper Lynd VOD Gromnie Kill Task
Andrea Anders VOD Raider Prefect Kill Task
Natalya Simonova VOD Wretched Kill Task
Sylvia Trench VOD Swarthy Mattekar Kill Task
Tatiana Romanova VOD Transcendent Tumerok Kill Task
Fiona Volpe VOD Titanium Armoredillo Kill Task
Anya Amasova VOD Chimera Kill Task
Jill Masterson VOD Obliterator Kill Task